Monday, October 17, 2011

Busy Week

Hello readers! :) My goal is to post in this blog at least once a week. Hopefully I can find the time to post more frequently, as so much goes on in one week that I know I will forget what has happened that I wanted to blog about. Realistically though, I will be lucky if I can find the time to post once a week. I get most of my time in front of the computer in when I'm nursing my 5 month old, (yes, she's 5 months old today, time is FLYing!) So basically I'm off and on the computer in short little spurts of time throughout the day. My "me time" takes place after my entire flock, (Liam, Raleigh, AND Keegan,) are in bed. But then of course I have to choose whether I want to spend it sewing, watching mindless TV, browsing the internet, (ugh.) Unless you live under a rock, you've heard of Pinterest by now. It's basically the biggest timesuck since Youtube. I've found myself sitting there for what felt like hours pinning and repinning hundreds of fun ideas for games, crafts, gifts, etc. It occurred to me shortly after discovering Pinterest that I spent way more time actually pinning things that "I'm definitely going to do," than actually doing them. So I figured in order to justify the large quantities of time I was spending looking at other peoples' creativity, I needed to start referring to Pinterest as my "inspiration" and devoting some of that time back into actually doing things. Along the same lines, I don't want to spend more time blogging about my life than actually living it, so I'm not going to set some lofty goal of posting 5 times a week. If I can, great, but to be honest, it's probably not going to happen.

We just wrapped up a pretty fun weekend. One of my best friends from high school Tiffany <3 and her mom came up for 2 nights. They got here Friday, and left Sunday afternoon. We haven't seen either of them much at all over the last year, and they hadn't met Raleigh yet, so we had a really nice time just hanging out and catching up. I made white chili and we stayed home and relaxed Friday night. On Saturday Tiffany went with us to one of my friend's son's first birthday party, and we ordered pizza for dinner when we got home. Sunday we went for a walk and then out to lunch before they left for FL again. We enjoyed their visit and Liam had a lot of fun with the extra people around to charm. Tiffany and Connie brought some really cute outfits for the kids. Raleigh got some super cute pink fuzzy boots, so I can't wait til it's cold enough for her to wear them. :D

Keegan left this morning for the week. He'll be back for the weekend, and then he's leaving on Monday for another week. Even though he's gone all day anyways, it's amazing what a difference it makes in my stress level to have him home for that short time in the evening! He usually entertains tries to entertain the kids while I cook, and he does Liam's bath & bed time when he's home in the evening. And of course it's always nice to have your co-parent there to take over a few of the "No Liam," "Stop that Liam," and "Don't cry Liam." But I swear when he's not home for that extra 3 hours in the evening, it feels like my work load triples. I've decided I'm not going to try to cook meals this week in order to lighten the workload. I typically cook about 6 nights a week, but with only Liam and I eating, I think I'll just do simple things like salads, sandwiches, yogurt, etc. Hopefully that'll free up some time and my kitchen wont get destroyed every day. On a normal day I swear I end up cleaning up the kitchen 3 times. After breakfast I'm emptying the coffee pot, washing the high chair trays, rinsing out sippy cups, wiping up sticky coffee spills, washing out scrambled eggs pans, and loading all the dishes into the dishwasher. By late afternoon we've accumulated that mess all over again from gold fish crushed on the floor, lunch dishes, high chair trays from lunch, chocolate milk on the counter, a pot from boiling eggs. And then as usual dinner is the worst. I try to clean while I'm cooking but that's not always possible. One day I'd like to time how many minutes a day I spend in the kitchen between preparing and cleaning up after meals. I'd like to bet it's at least a few hours. Okay so off my kitchen rant. (I've realized that I get off topic just as quickly when typing as I do when I'm talking out loud.) Anyways, the week is going to be very busy. In addition to being alone, I've got my PWOC meeting Tuesday, Liam's speech appointment Wednesday, plus babysitting Brandi's kids while she has a doctors visit. And myself and two other friends are throwing Brandi a baby shower this coming Sunday, so we are meeting every morning this week to finish up the decorations we're making, AND during some of my "me-time" I need to finish up the gift I'm making for said baby shower. I also had a rain check to get together and hang out with another friend and her kids. (We cancelled week before last when Liam was sick.) I'm a little bit tired just thinking about all this, and it's making me realize that with people coming over to the house I should really get up and do a bit of housework while the kids are playing nicely. (Liam is currently putting a sheet of Disney stickers all over the coffee table, and Raleigh is desperately trying to grab some dangling toys under the playmat.) They sure are cute at the moment. I'm sure as soon as I stand up to do something productive, meltdowns will ensue. Oh darn, I just remembered I'm out of baby wipes and I'm going to have to head to the store.

My friend Melissa and I are working on some super cute projects for Brandi's baby shower, but just in case she reads this blog before Sunday, I'm not going to say any more about them. Maybe next week if I remember I'll post some pictures. Ta-ta for now! 


PS. As you may have noticed, my blog still doesn't have a title. If you think of something super cute and creative, feel free to suggest it! :)

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