Wow! Talk about failing miserably at my goal of posting once a week! Ha! I started this blog out with lots of enthusiasm, but that obviously fizzled out pretty quickly...
Needless to say, MUCH has changed since the fall when I last posted...I went from preparing for Keegan to deploy, to finding out he wasn't, (and back & forth like 6 times,) we found out we're moving to Fort Lewis, WA, Liam is talking more than you would ever believe, and Raleigh is about to be turning ONE! (Plus all the crazy things that go on in my days all crammed in there somewhere.)
Side note: We haven't really publicly announced that we're moving just yet...we've told our parents, & our friends here in NC know, but that's about it...until now of course. So if this is the first time you're hearing about it, we're expecting to move in early spring of next year! I really despise announcing big news about our lives when it changes so frequently. In the army, the only thing you can't count on is that no plans are ever final, so rather than continuing to tell people new information all the time, I try and wait until we're more sure of details first. Even then, the chances of plans changing are still pretty high. So anyways. Keegan signed his life away to Uncle Sam for another 4 years, and we're slotted to go to WA for our next duty station. Initially we were supposed to be leaving in the September/October time frame, but we recently found out that our report date got extended til spring. Right now that still seems far off to me, even though I know it will be here before I know it. PCS moves are such a bittersweet thing. I am so so so excited about moving to WA, seeing the west coast, exploring a new part of the country, and making all kinds of new friends, but at the same exact time I'm already grieving for leaving behind our friends & life that we've made here at Fort Bragg. I have some of the most amazing people in my life here...people I consider to be life long friends, people whose kids I love & enjoy watching grow up, people who have been our family when our family was so far away...It is really sad to have to pack up and say good bye to all that. :'( BUT, as I said before, our move is still a long ways away, so I'm going to save the sentimental sob story for another day!
I read through some my earlier posts from last fall, and one of those included a list of the "20 or so words" that Liam could say. That list is almost laughable now when I think about some of the conversations we have on a regular basis. His speech has grown exponentially, and it's awesome! It's really awesome to finally get a little window into his head, since for so long we had no clue what he was thinking.
Here are a few little conversations we've had lately that amused me:
Keegan was giving Raleigh & Liam sips of his drink, and when it was Raleigh's turn Liam says:
Liam: "No sissy, you already had some, it's my turn!"
Liam was marching around the dining room pretending to blow on a toy horn:
Liam: "I blow my horn. I marching!"
ME: "You're marching?"
Liam: "Yes mommy, I marching in a marching band!"
After bath time & as we walked into his room, Liam pointed at all the toys on the floor and said:
Liam: "Yook mommy, I made a mess!"
ME: "Yes your room is a BIG mess!"
Liam: "Mommy's room is a BIG mess too!"
And, most nights at bed time I hear: "You read my gook agin?", "You sing a song to me mommy?", "You say my payers with me?", "Come teep with me mommy!", "I duv you too mommy!", or "Gooood night mommy!"
Did I mention how awesome it is to hear him talking?
This post doesn't really include very much, but I'm as busy & tired as ever and my to-do list is long & getting longer by the minute. Good night all. <3