I am always looking for new things to do with Liam that will keep him entertained. He is extremely active and has never been one to sit and play with his toys for long periods of time. I am his favorite toy. If I had only a brown paper napkin, but I was playing with him, it would be his favorite toy for hours on end. He likes company, he likes to interact. While this is a really great quality in him, it also makes it extremely challenging to get through each and every day. When Liam gets bored, he gets whiny. When he gets whiny, I get whiny. It's not a good situation. Needless to say, I LOVE when I find a new and fun activity that Liam enjoys and that we can mix up our days with! Lately while browsing on Pinterest, I've come across lots of fun activities that I want to do with Liam. One of those ideas is shaving cream paint.
Liam had a bout of Hand, Foot, & Mouth disease about a month ago, and he had been feeling very under the weather for a few days. HFM is a virus that causes them to run a low grade fever for days to weeks, while at the same time giving them painful sores around their hands, feet, & mouth. We had had a tiring week because he was not feeling well, and he didn't want to do anything, not even play outside, (which is his favorite!) He had been crying at every bathtime, so one evening I decided to break out the shaving cream & food coloring! It's pretty simple, just put some shaving cream in plastic cups, add food coloring, & mix up! Liam had a ball with it! He played for a solid 30 minutes, painting the walls, painting himself, etc. If you do different colors, it provides a great opportunity to work on learning their colors. If your kids are older, it's a fun way to practice letters. I was thrilled to see how much he enjoyed it, and as an added bonus, clean up was the easiest thing ever, just splash water on the tub walls when you're all done! We've done this many times since then and each time it continues to be a hit. Also, after following that pin to the blog it came from, I ended up finding lots more fun activites to try in the future!